Magic Breakdown
Orange Magic
is symbolic of important change and the future.
Yellow Magic
is symbolic of teamwork, it best works combined with orange, but also when combined with others.
Magenta Magic
is held by Lily Rose, Kyra Jeffery/Hollie Peyton, and Julian Crocknaur. It is symbolic of importance to the fabric of magic itself.
Red Magic
is symbolic of evil or bad intent, it is a corrupted form of magic, it also represents conflict. It is very powerful, but it's not always bad-intentioned.
Purple Magic
is representative of balance, and peace.
Blue Magic
is typically associated with Orange Magic, it is typically very compatible with Orange, but it can be volatile and powerful if not kept in check, as it is a very strong magic.
Green Magic
is associated with greed. Typically, it is sign that you will die being greedy or selfish. Which, in the case of William Johnson and Jason Patterson, was venturing out on their own and getting killed by Black Cat (who has red magic), and Lucas Cuellar died after trying to enjoy his own life and push everyone else away.
Turquoise Magic
is only wielded by Alexander Mckaven, and is typically associated with a mixture of blue and green magic tendencies. It can be very volatile and powerful, but it can also be very greedy and selfish magic.
White Magic
is typically associated with the in-between. it is usually seen in the process of a very powerful magical being's (such as Rylie Osmon's) magic side being sent to the magic realm.