At Reappearance in 2020.
First Known Appearance in 2013.

Character Details:

Name: Zackgo Armstrong

Species: Human

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Pronouns: he/him


  • zx
  • zx58


  • Introduction: 2013
  • Missing: 2015
  • Reappeared: 2020
  • Left: 2021


Written Lore:

Zack "zx" was a very close friend to Defeated Cat, whom held him very dear.

Not much is known about his disappearance, but he hasn't been seen in a long time, and now D.C. is Rylie, and things have moved on.

Rylie, however, does think of zx, as much as they want to act like they don't think about him.

Since Rylie left Earth, the memory of zx has faded greatly, no one else really knew him.