Section 1: Hierarchal Changes (Changing Everything)

this took so much to get to work and idk why
Lucas and Rylie preparing to hug one final time before Rylie leaves Earth and hands over their roles to Lucas.

This part starts off with Rylie Osmon and Lucas Cuellar preparing to hug it out, one final time. Rylie is about to depart from Earth to go back to the stars and find themself, and why they were made. This is when Rylie appoints and declares all their power in Team Both Sides, and its parent organization, Every1-2gether, LLC be shifted to Lucas. When Rylie left, the organization shifted around a bit, they stepped down and out completely, forfeiting all say and power. Rylie did this out of fear that Zach would spin out emotionally and mess up, making him a poor leader, but could become one, given time. The power would've otherwise shifted to Zach directly and Lucas would've become secondary co-leader automatically. This left Zach as secondary co-leader, upset and confused, but gunning to prove he was ready for the position. He wasn't yet, but Lucas kept a close eye on it, waiting for the right day to come.

Section 2: Missing (Too Much)

Zach looks off into the distance while remembering Rylie.
Zach looks off into the distance while remembering Rylie, missing them a lot.

This part starts off with Zach looking up into the night sky, seeing a faint glow and ghostlike appearance of Rylie in the sky. Rylie smiled down at Zach before fading away into thin air, leaving just the night sky. He remembers how grateful he is for Rylie having taught him everything that got him till now, knowing very well he may never see his best friend's face again.

Because of Rylie's departure from Earth in 2023 when deciding they needed to find themself, things had become harder for Zach. His support system changed, things got weird. Then, in 2024, he married his love, Devon Wass. This era of things, the way they are now, it wasn't something Zach ever expected all those years ago, as White Cat, or during Defeated Cat & Black Cat's time around, and Team Bright Side and Team Dark Side.

Zach is scared but he won't admit it to his husband or anyone else, only Rylie, in his heart. The only one who always knew and understood. He finds comfort when he feels Rylie's aura inside him from the powers that once they shared.

Section 3: Moving On (Can Be Tough)

Zach looks to Lucas in his mindscape, finally realizing Lucas is Rylie's only other best friend, and the only other person who understands his pain.
Zach looks to Lucas in his mind, finally realizing Lucas is Rylie's only other best friend, and the only other person who understands his pain.

This part begins with Zach looking inside himself, and in his head, considering the past and feeling alone. He realizes that he isn't, there's still someone else who wants to see Rylie, too. His name is Lucas Cuellar. This makes Zach have some previously unfound hope, and feel a hell of a lot better.Zach then goes to Lucas, and they end up finding comfort in each other, talking about the old times, the memories, the adventures. They both miss Rylie, and hope to see them again one day. They also both hope that Rylie is doing well on their adventure, being happy for them.

Lucas agreed to let Zach have primary co-leader, finally accepting and knowing that he was capable, seeing his strength and growth, after he came to him. This caused Lucas to step down and become secondary co-leader of Team Both Sides, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for Every1-2gether, LLC. This change also appointed Zach into the Chairman of the Board for Every1-2gether, LLC.

Section 4: Looking (Out For The Future)

The NEW Board of Directors of Every1-2gether, LLC meets together.

This part starts off with Zachary Wass and Lucas Cuellar in a meeting together, at the heads of the table, joined by Devon Wass, Clarence Forrest, and Camille Pfister, their fellow board members, plus the last board member who isn't an advisor for Team Both Sides, Mary Tan. This board meeting was to talk about and decide how to continue forward now that Rylie Osmon was gone, and to vote on if Every1-2gether, LLC needed any changes.

Section 5: Found (Her Again)

Kyra is found by Zach and Lucas, after she left year before, following Rylie's departure.

After Zachary Wass and Lucas Cuellar ventured off to figure out their best plan, they found Kyra Jeffery in the old cemetery nearby, not expecting this, but pleasantly surprised and curious as to what she was doing there. During this, Zach invites her back to Team Both Sides, and Lucas seconds this idea, and Kyra accepts, agreeing to come back without having to be leadership or an advisor, or a board member for Every1-2gether, LLC. This brought back another OG to the team, even if Rylie wasn't there anymore.