Parent organization of Team Bright Side, until dissolution of both it and Team Bright Side, this merger between Sunshine Enterprises, LLC and DarkMoon Enterprises, LLC formed the briefly existant 2Kat Enterprises, LLC.
Last Board of Directors:
Chairman: Defeated Cat (2012-2017)
Vice Chairman: Zachary Wass (2017-2021/dissolution)
Board Secretary: Lucas Cuellar (2020-2021/dissolution)
Treasurer: Lucas Cuellar (2018-2021, made secretary in 2020, continued treasurer duties until 2021/dissolution)
Former Board of Directors:
Chairman: Defeated Cat (2012-2017)
Vice Chairman: Oliver Macdonald † (2012-2017), Zachary Wass (2017-2021/dissolution)
Board Secretary: Jason Patterson † (2013-2017), Kyra Jeffery (2017-2018), Mary Tan (2018-2020), Lucas Cuellar (2020-2021/dissolution)
Treasurer: Mary Tan (2016-2018), Lucas Cuellar (2018-2021, made secretary in 2020, continued treasurer duties until 2021/dissolution)