Zachary Wass' Physical Forms are on the right hand side! (Young Zach is up top and the start, then came White Cat after meeting Luke Osmon and transforming, Yellow Wolf-Human hybrid was second, and current as of 2021).
Character Details:
Name: Zachary Wass
Species: Human - > ½ God, ¼ Cat, and, ¼ Human -> ½ God & ¼ Human & ¼ Wolf
Hair: N/A -> Yellow
Eyes: Blue -> Brown
Pronouns: he/him
- Introduction: 2014
- Transformed (Alive)
- White Kitty
- White Cat
- whiteKitty67176
- Zach (Most Common & Basic)
- Zach-A-Rooni (By: D.C.)
- Zachy-Doodle (By: D.C.)
- Zachary Wilson (By: Self)
- "ROE-BAY"(By: Rylie, after Transformation from D.C.)
- Zacherobay (Most Common)
- Defeated Cat (best friend)
- Black Cat (enemy, former)
- Kyra Jeffery (best friend, former)
- P.O.3. Gen 2 (secondary)
- Team Bright Side (co-owner, former)
- Team Dark Side (enemy, former)
- Team Both Sides (owner, former co-owner with Rylie Osmon)
- Rylie Osmon (best friend)
- Delaney Forrest (acquaintance, until death)
- Clarence Forrest (advisor)
- Lawrence Forrest (enemy, until death)
Written Lore:
- Luke met human me, became closest friends and trusted me enough to transform me into ½ God, ¼ Cat, and, ¼ Human.
- In 2021 i felt like a part of me was wrong, and found out that i had wolf in me the whole time (ever since I was originally human) and so i changed my cat part to wolf, and my hair to yellow alluding to it being my favorite color.