Reality 0: Rendered Lore

Revision as of 03:38, 16 February 2024 by Rylie (talk | contribs) (updated (needs more fixing)

Part 1 – The Departure (That Changed Everything)

this took so much to get to work and idk why
Lucas and Rylie preparing to hug one final time before Rylie leaves Earth and hands over their roles to Lucas.

Rylie Osmon and Lucas Cuellar prepared to hug it out, one final time. Rylie is about to depart from Earth to go back to the stars and find themself, and why they were made. This is when Rylie appoints and declares all their power in Team Both Sides, and its parent organization, Every1-2gether, LLC be shifted to Lucas.

When Rylie left, the organization shifted around a bit, they stepped down and out completely, forfeiting all say and power. Rylie did this out of fear that Zach would spin out emotionally and mess up, making him a poor leader, but could become one, given time. The power would've otherwise shifted to Zach directly and Lucas would've become secondary co-leader automatically.

This left Zach as secondary co-leader, upset and confused, but gunning to prove he was ready for the position. He wasn't yet, but Lucas kept a close eye on it, waiting for the right day to come.

Part 2 – Ghosts (Of The Past)

Zach looks off into the distance while remembering Rylie.
Zach looks off into the distance while remembering Rylie, missing them a lot, seeing their "ghost" as a hallucination. He feels jealous of Lucas once again for getting Rylie's position and power.

Zach looked up into the night sky one night, seeing a faint glow and ghostlike appearance of Rylie in the sky. Rylie smiled down at Zach before fading away into thin air, leaving just the night sky. He remembers how grateful he is for Rylie having taught him everything that got him till now, knowing very well he may never see his best friend's face again.

Because of Rylie's departure from Earth in 2023 when deciding they needed to find themself, things had become harder for Zach. His support system changed, things got weird. Then, in 2024, he married his love, Devon Wass. This era of things, the way they are now, it wasn't something Zach ever expected all those years ago, as White Cat, or during Defeated Cat & Black Cat's time around, and Team Bright Side and Team Dark Side.

Zach is scared but he won't admit it to his husband or anyone else, only Rylie, in his heart. The only one who always knew and understood. He finds comfort when he feels Rylie's aura inside him from the powers that once they shared.

Part 3 – Jealousy (Makes Me Hate You)

Zach looks to Lucas in his mindscape, finally realizing Lucas is Rylie's only other best friend, and the only other person who understands his pain.
Zach looks to Lucas in his mind, finally realizing Lucas is Rylie's only other best friend, and the only other person who understands his pain, whilst realizing he has to let someone in to find peace again.

Zach begins looking inside himself. In his head, he has been considering the past and feeling alone. He realizes that he isn't alone, in fact! There's still someone else who wants to see Rylie, too. His name is Lucas Cuellar, Zach's now superior. This makes Zach have some previously unfound hope, and feel a hell of a lot better.

Zach then goes to Lucas, even though he's still upset that Lucas got to be primary co-leader and chair of the board. They end up finding comfort in each other, talking about the old times, the memories, the adventures. They both miss Rylie, and hope to see them again one day. They also both hope that Rylie is doing well on their adventure, being happy for them.

Lucas then agreed to let Zach have primary co-leader, finally accepting and knowing that he was capable, seeing his strength and growth, after he came to him. This caused Lucas to step down and become secondary co-leader of Team Both Sides, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for Every1-2gether, LLC. This change also appointed Zach into the Chairman of the Board for Every1-2gether, LLC.

Part 4 – With Great Power (Comes Great Responsibility)

Clarence Forrest is promoted to head advisor by Zachary Wass and Lucas Cuellar, using old powers of aura and power transferring from Rylie Osmon that they used to share, combined, this giving Clarence more power.

Zachary Wass convinces Lucas Cuellar to agree to promote Clarence Forrest to Head Advisor of Team Both Sides, and give him a seat on the Board of Directors of Every1-2gether, LLC.

Zach and Lucas then use Rylie Osmon's old power giving and transferring magic to give Clarence powers, and promote him officially. Marking a new era without Rylie in charge.

Part 5 – The Future (Is Now)

Every1-2gether, LLC's New Board of Directors meets together to discuss.

Zachary Wass, along with Lucas Cuellar at the heads of the table, host the first Every1-2gether, LLC board meeting since organizational restructuring and the new member. Clarence Forrest, Camille Pfister, and Mary Tan all join. (Mary Tan being the only one who isn't an advisor or above in Team Both Sides, but still has organizational power on the board). This meeting with all 5 board members was to talk about and decide how to continue forward now that Rylie Osmon was gone, and to vote on if Every1-2gether, LLC needed any changes.

Part 6 – She's Back (From The Unknown)

Kyra is found by Zach and Lucas, after she left following Rylie's departure over a year ago.

After Zachary Wass and Lucas Cuellar ventured off to figure out their best plan, they found Kyra Jeffery in the old cemetery nearby, not expecting this, but pleasantly surprised and curious as to what she was doing there. During this, Zach invites her back to Team Both Sides, and Lucas seconds this idea, and Kyra accepts, agreeing to come back without having to be leadership or an advisor, or a board member for Every1-2gether, LLC. This brought back another OG to the team, even if Rylie wasn't there anymore.

Part 7 – Earth's Favorite Protector (Returned For Their Friends)

Kyra, Zach and, Lucas hang out with Rylie when they return to Earth to see how everyone is doing, looking different from before, all of their auras shining bright around each other.

One day, Rylie Osmon showed back up, Zachary Wass and Kyra Jeffery were equally excited and energetic, and Lucas Cuellar was excited in his own way. Rylie wasn't going to stay for long, but wanted to see how everyone was holding up, and they had known Kyra would be found one day, and was happy to see her back. Rylie missed their friends, but they all were confused by Rylie's new appearance, no longer fully brown eyes, one red-tinted, the other yellow-tinted, if put together would be orange. Kyra, Zach, and Lucas all knew it meant that Rylie was more at peace now, and they had harnessed their true power. Zach and Lucas both were surprised how much Rylie had changed, since the suit was gone and their clothes didn't even have bright side or dark side colors anymore. They knew Rylie was happier now, and so, they were happy for them, too.

Fun fact, this technically reunites Power Of Three (2nd Gen), in a new way, which is pretty cool. Rylie, Zach, and Kyra, even if they're all different now. Different roles, different appearances, different places in their lives. It's a different time now.

Part 8 – Best Friends Wherever (Even Light Years Apart)

Lucas, Kyra, and Zach watch Rylie fly back up into the stars, waving goodbye for now.

Rylie Osmon leaves again, back to the stars. Their friends Lucas Cuellar, Kyra Jeffery, and Zachary Wass all wave goodbye once again. They all feel happy for Rylie, seeing how well they're doing, and knowing they are all in the right places now. Rylie assures them all that they'll be back one day, and that they'll be Rylie's best friends, no matter how far apart they are, even light years apart.

Part 9 – Message (Thru The Universe)

Rylie Osmon had felt something off as they left earth again, a twinge of darkness, it was growing, looming. They had tried to brush it off, but as they got away, they could feel it growing, and it worried them. A few months after they had left earth again, they felt the darkness was too dangerous and unstable now. They used a power they had unlocked on their spiritual journey and from exploring their powers. They looked back to earth, and connected to Kyra Jeffery, sent her an emergency message warning, straight to her brain, warning her to tell the others of something bad to come, via telepathy. Kyra had never experienced this before, so it worried her. She went directly to straight to her bosses, Zachary Wass and Lucas Cuellar. She passed along the message, but knew something was wrong, and she had a feeling something big was coming, something that might tear everything they know apart. Rylie then headed straight back for earth, unsure of what was happening or why, but they knew they needed to return.

Part 10 – Unexpected Arrivals (Bringing The Fear)

On a quiet day in 2025, everything changed. Everything we thought we knew ended in an instant. We prepared the best we could for this. We reorganized for this.

Zachary Wass (primary co-leader), Lucas Cuellar (secondary co-leader), Kyra Jeffery (newly promoted head advisor), Devon Wass, (newly demoted secondary head advisor) Mary Tan, (newly promoted advisor), Kimberly Boo-Tan (trusted member and Mary Tan's sister), Camille Pfister (advisor), Lily Rose (former member, came back to help), and Rylie Osmon (co-founder and former primary co-leader, now head planner) of Team Both Sides team up together, being the united front to put a stop to the fight that was coming their way, they called themselves "The Protection".

Rylie Osmon enlisted an old friend of Defeated Cat, named Delaney Forrest, who was killed by her son Clarence Forrest, in 2019, after he found out that she cheated on her husband and his father, Lawrence Forrest. Rylie used their new power of telepathy to connect with her former consciousness, and bring her back to life in front of the unity, "The Protection". The problem being, Delaney hasn't been alive since before D.C. and B.C. formed into Rylie, and she had a lot to catch up on. So, the team got to work explaining the events of the last 6 years, and gave her as much time as they could for her to process. She then agreed to join "The Protection", and save earth, even if it meant taking down her son, Clarence.

Part 11 – The War (Begins Now)

Clarence Forrest struck, and it was worse than any of us could've ever imagined. He brought reinforcements.

Rylie, Zach, and Kyra all froze. The faces they saw were familiar. From what felt like a lifetime ago. It Diamond Block and J.P., but how? How did Clarence reanimate them? He had others, too. Lawrence Forrest, and Defeated Cat's very old friend, CreeperVision.

Rylie looked at Zach in total fear, frozen and unsure of what to do. Lucas called out to Rylie, less startled by all of this, since he hadn't been around for most of Diamond Block and J.P. being around. The 4 of them realized that Clarence had accessed Team Dark Side's old projects, and data, and had reanimated the two former members of Team Bright Side and the Power Of Three (1st Gen). Rylie had lost them as Defeated Cat, many years ago. Rylie had also been the one to steal the DNA and memories and info on those two beings, as Black Cat, many years ago. Rylie knew, the only way to defeat these, was to kill them. The Protection would have to fight what used to be everything to Rylie, so many years ago.

Part 12 – The Solution (To Our Big Problem)

Lucas, Kyra, and Zach watch Rylie fly back up into the stars, waving goodbye for now.

Rylie knew what to do. They told Zach, Kyra and Lucas their plan. Rylie would have to re-absorb their powers from over the years. Causing the magic to dwindle, and Black Cat's (now Clarence's) experiments cease to exist, as well as Delaney's reanimation, too.

Part 13 – The End (Is Here)

They're gone. They're all gone.

Rylie. Kyra. Lucas. Camille. Delaney. They're dead. They're all dead. The plan didn't work. Or.. did it? Clarence is dead, too. Same with his clones.