Lucas Cuellar (Reality 0)

Character Details:
Name: Lucas Cuellar
Species: Human
Hair: Unknown (Brown)
Eyes: Unknown (Brown)
Pronouns: he/him
- Lucas
- Luke (By: Self)
- The Apple Buyer
- Sniff
- Sniff Curl
- L-A-E-C
- LAEC2000
- Introduction: 2017
- Deceased: 2026
- Team Bright Side (member, former)
- Team Dark Side (spying for Team Bright Side's intel, former)
- Team Both Sides (secondary co-leader, substitute / former brief primary co-leader)
- Defeated Cat (good friend, former)
- Rylie Osmon (best friend)
- Zachary Wass (technical boss, co-leader of Team Both Sides)
Written Lore:
Lucas Cuellar survived spying on Team Dark Side for Team Bright Side briefly for 2020 and 2021, he is also the only known survivor of such a job. His spying ended once Rylie was formed and Teams Bright Side and Dark Side were dissolved to form Team Both Sides, run by Rylie Osmon and Zachary Wass.
He was the best friend of Defeated Cat in 2017, their friendship continued on and off until 2021, when D.C. became Rylie Osmon.
They were close, until they became closer, even more best friends, after working on a big Team Both Sides project together. This caused Rylie to realize that they'd formed an amazing team, full of people they could trust, who were growing up, and doing so well. This allowed them to look back upon themself and take time for themself.
Rylie spoke to Camille Pfister about these feelings, and Camille told them that everything would be okay, and that they could leave to find themselves, after having to hold everyone together for so long.
Rylie decided that their final decision as primary leader (still co-leader with Zachary Wass) of Team Both Sides, was to promote Lucas to co-leader, and step down effective immediately, planning a little goodbye party.
After Rylie left earth, Lucas and Zach agreed to give Zach the primary leader position while keeping the secondary co-leader position for himself.
Former Appearance/Look: